The Symptoms

March 19, 2020: The symptoms are somewhat different than the typical cold, which usually involves nasal congestion. In contrast, COVID-19 causes a high fever, a dry cough and can cause great difficulty breathing. That last symptom makes it especially dangerous for anyone with a previously existing respiratory illness, such as asthma, COPD, or other ailments that compromise one’s ability to breathe. The virus appears to spread quickly. Those who show no signs of the virus can be carriers who unknowingly transmit it to others if they are not careful to keep their distance.

Older people like us (over 65), appear to be particularly vulnerable to the virus, especially if we have other illnesses that weaken our immune systems. A major outbreak occurred in a nursing home in Kirkland, about 20 minutes outside of Seattle; 81 of the 120 residents tested positive and of those, 34 have died.  

This is starting to sound scary and close to home, but fortunately Doug and I are healthy. Younger people and children seem to be less likely to show signs of the virus even if they contract it. However, if they are not careful to keep their distance, they are likely to infect other people.

The most common advice we are hearing to avoid the virus is to wash our hands frequently, for 20 seconds, or for the time it takes to sing two rounds of the Happy Birthday song. We should keep our unwashed hands away from our eyes, mouth and nose. We now stuff our hands in our pockets when we grocery shop, mindful to keep them away from our faces.


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